Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Today's Glider ride marked the return of Boss Hogg. There was also a dad and his kid who was about 16. The dad apparently used to race but he was mainly there to ease the kid into group riding. We had to stop for some mechanical problems. Nothing really exciting happened. I peeled off a mile or so early because we were riding right by my route to go home.

Later I went by B&M to have the Cortina's kickstand repaired and pick up their new tshirt. Chandler started wandering around saying he was working on it but of course Paul jumped in and took care of business. They appear to have hired an older gentleman as well. At least he was walking around in a Bikes and More shirt with a shop phone in his hand. Based on that criteria I could probably just start interning there and no one would notice. Other Christian was there growing some new beard mustache combo, Paul was bursting at the seams from his Primal fitness work outs, Lisa's arms looked more developed, Brian looked bigger. Their next t-shirt should say, "My bike shop can beat up your bike shop."

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