Monday, August 22, 2011

Fell over on my bike while riding to work today (Monday). A car had a right turn arrow but decided to stop and wave me through. I was caught off guard and lost my balance. One day I'll learn how to clip out of my pedals while I am falling over but today was not that day. I banged my shin and knee cap. Cars should just do what they are supposed to do. Their random acts of kindness make things kind of unpredictable. Of course it was totally my fault. Once I start falling over and I'm clipped in I should hit a button that starts playing that Bruce Springsteen song because I'm Going Down.

In other news earlier in the day I did the Millhopper loop. My performance was lackluster but better than my anemic showing on the Racetrack Loop last Friday.

We brought back the vintage Schwinn bike from V's parents house Sunday. I'm told it is from 1950's. It has 2 gears and you switch between them by kicking back on the pedals. We'll take it to B&M sometime and see if they can work their magic on it.

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