Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last night (Tuesday) V and I biked downtown to the Top and then over to Palomino for some pool afterwards. My beginners luck from a few weeks ago did not carry over. It was fun but ugly to watch. It took us several turns before either one of us made a successful shot. Later we biked over to the hippie ice cream place. A bunch of college students were there in pajamas. Despite what you might think PJ's are a fairly reasonable form of attire when out eating ice cream after midnight.

Today I did the Glider ride. Boss Hogg really out did himself, mugging at the front of the paceline for about 3/4 of the ride. At least there were some people between us so I didn't have to stare at his big behind the whole time. The ride leader is a guy in his 60's who really can't keep up anymore. Getting old blows.

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