Sunday, August 14, 2011

Last week I noticed that the front tip of my bike seat was really starting to shoe horn my nut sack. The front of the seat was tilted up probably because whenever I pick up the bike I have a bad habit of lifting it from the seat. Anyway I adjusted it and now things are free and easy.

This is going to sound dumb but I had a minor revelation regarding adjusting the diameter of my bike helmet. Even though I'm always wearing various old school head phones and head bands I always adjusted my helmet using the strap only. This led to some awkward fitting situations. Anyway it finally dawned on me, hey I could fiddle with the diameter band adjustment in the back of the helmet. This has opened up whole new frontiers and vistas of comfort and safety.

I realize now that my bike fell over Thursday night because my kickstand is on the verge of falling off. Really it's like when you nearly severe your finger doing yard work and it's just hanging there barely attached squirting blood everywhere. I'll probably take it to B&M soon. I need to check out their new shirts anyway.

Riding the Hawthorne trail with V on Saturday was loco caliente. We were in the noon day sun shaking and baking. You know that bridge area where the ducks sometimes are? We walked out on that deck just to check out what was up. I had never done that before. It was nice, kind of relaxing.

1 comment:

  1. clovis and I have checked out the ducks/geese before, it is quite pleasant and stinky there.
