Tuesday, August 30, 2011

EPIC commute to work Tuesday morning. I had been thinking about small kid huge backpack (SKHB) and as I glided onto 34th st Boom there he was! He wore a red shirt that said Cornerstone Academy. Of course his backpack was bursting. Cornerstone Academy's website describes their vibe as a "Christ centered classical school." I wish my brother SKHB luck with that. If he were a biblical character I could see him as Job with the lugging of the huge backpack symbolizing his perseverance in the face of extreme suffering.

I started off listening to Michale McDonald but quickly switched over to Joy Division. "24 Hours" is a special song. I think I read somewhere that Peter Hooke said it was his favorite bassline that he ever did.

Down by 34th and 8th ave there was a horrific stench by Littlewood Elementary. It literally smelled like I was standing in a giant armpit full of garbage. I felt sorry for the kids streaming into the school. Maybe it was the smell of their carefree summer days rotting on the vine.

Next I did the unthinkable and rode out in the street between 8th ave and University. There is no bike lane, but I drafted behind a school bus most of the way. I was tucked right behind that mofo living it up in the air resistance free slipstream. I felt like a little kid in one of those bounce house moon walk tents.

Later I went to Bikes and More and talked folding bikes with Paul. Paul pointed out that for once I had walked in and there were not 9 million employees partying there. He confirmed that Lisa is indeed pronounced Leeza. In a move that may come back to haunt him he offered the Cyclist on Fire and me part time positions on the condition that we work Sundays with Chandler.

Tonight V and I rode downtown to the Top and later Karma Cream (where everyday is like survival). We did a rewind of our previous visit and had the sick ass cowboy cookie ice cream sandwich with a bunch of dope toppings.

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