Monday, August 15, 2011

I took the day off because my mom is having surgery. While she was in the OR I went over to ride my Millhopper Loop. Remember when I said my next goal should be to bust through the 39 minute barrier? It happened today. I crossed the finish in 38:48. I was expecting bouquets and champagne but there was just a sweaty dude on the corner scratching his ass crack.

After biking to work for so long I had forgotten how much it sucks to get into a car that's been baking in the sun all day. Leaving the surgery center my car was roasting. I have to drive to work tomorrow because I need to go across town later for my annual evaluation. This will be the first time my boss has seen me with a beard and giant afro. Should be fun. My mom viewed my hirsute look this morning for the first time. I guess you're never to old to have your mom disapprove of your appearance. Maybe next I'll get a nose ring.

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