Monday, December 20, 2010

Looks like 'Bikes' has stopped following me. Just like that I've lost 50% of my readership and we will never solve the mystery that was 'Bikes'.

Friday I did the Millhopper loop at a good clip. As I've mentioned before I can't sprint on a bike to save my life (riding as fast as possible for like 10 seconds). Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things. I'm going to work on getting my top speed up.

Friday afternoon I rode into work prepared for a miserable day. I stopped off at Starbucks and Cold Stone for a Frappe and ice cream cupcakes to fortify myself for a long night. It wasn't too horrible. There were a few roaches (oxycodone seekers causing problems). Saturday I had a couple of Smurfs (Meth heads buying Sudafed). They come in back to back buying the max strength Sudafed and they each have ID's from the same small town, like Bronson or Live Oak. God I get tired of dealing with Smurfs and roaches.

Sunday's commute was cold, overcast and damp. The students are gone for Xmas break which makes work much easier.

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