Monday, December 13, 2010

Did the Hawthorne trail Sunday morning. Of course I knew in the back of my mind that it was going to be cold, windy and rainy. It actually wasn't horrible. My jacket performed admirably. You (Harry, not to be confused with my one other potential reader "Bikes") were a champ even though your clothes were soaked.

I remember the first time I did this ride with you over a year ago it seemed really long. It's still long but now that I know what landmarks are coming up it seems to go by faster. Gee, it only took a year to learn the trail. Imagine if they had sent me to map the northwest instead of Lewis and Clark.

I tried to ride the trainer this morning but I was self conscious about the noise I was making indoors. Plus my shoes were still wet from yesterday. Plus I was hot and bored in about 2 minutes.

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