Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tuesday morning I made my way to work on the Cortina. I've quit doing the crazy high pedaling thing on Tuesday. I need to come up with something else like pedaling the whole way with just one leg or something. Anyway there was a black and white cat on it's back in the middle of the sidewalk on 34th st. This never happens. I rode closer and the cat didn't budge. I thought it might be dying but at the last minute it rolled over and looked at me. This was one mellow cat. As if to underscore that a mouse ran by a few seconds later. The cat didn't move a muscle. It was an odd scene.

I rode in listening to a bunch of different stuff Rolling Stones, New Order... Exile On Main Street is good background music for most things. I started thinking about one of our patients. This guy is 78 and he's a pretty cool dude. I've known him every since the store opened. He grew up during the depression, traveled the world, lots of stuff. He'd tell me stories and unlike most people I was actually interested and didn't immediately want him to shut up. Which as you know is rare for me. Anyway this guy is quickly losing his mind to Alzheimer's and it's breaking my heart. He'll forget a conversation we had five minutes earlier.

A pharmacist called out sick so I had to work a double. It wasn't very busy which was a relief. It also meant I didn't have to ride home in the afternoon heat. A minor consolation.

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