Saturday, July 9, 2011

Had good luck avoiding the rain riding Friday and Saturday. The Sempre was pretty mucked up from riding on wet road though. There was a bird slowly flying a few feet in front of me on the Hawthorne trail today. I almost could have reached out and touched its wings. Later my mind wandered and suddenly realized that I had drifted to the left on the trail path. Which would be fine except there was a dude heading towards me in the opposite direction. I swerved out of his way. It wasn't really that close but he exclaimed, "Damn!" I just make friends everywhere I go.

The ride started to get pretty boring after about 90 minutes. I don't know how people can stay motivated to do those 5 hour plus 100 mile rides. That just seems incredibly tedious. I miss riding with the Cyclist on Fire.

I did manage to set new personal records for watts on Friday and Saturday for 90 and 120 minutes.

Later I went to Bikes & More to return the old bike computer. Business was slow due to the rain. I am constantly amazed at how many people are working there at any given time.

In other news I have entered week 3 of the beard. The hair on my head is also pretty large. Last week at work a developmentally delayed woman in a wheelchair wearing a helmet rolled back to the pharmacy. She looked at me and said, "Your hairy!" and started laughing maniacally. I found this awesome picture of Vangelis (the Chariots of Fire dude) looking rather hirsute.

The cigar is a nice touch.

Then there is that guy with the giant afro from the band Boston.

I like how you can't tell where his hair ends. Physics tells us that afros abhor a vacuum and left unfettered will expand infinitely.

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