Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday morning the Lone Biker of the Apocalypse (me) set out to do the Millhopper Loop. It is a short course (13.4 miles).

The keys for me are to stay focused on putting out a consistently hard effort, attack all of the hills out of the saddle, keep the watts up on the down hill portions, not slacking off after a particularly hard portion, staying as low and aerodynamic as possible and absolutely killing the last 5 1/2 minutes. The last mile and a half I throw in about 5 mini sprints.

Anyway I buzzed in at 39:23 (20.3 mph) which set a new best time for me.

Rode downtown twice yesterday (Sunday). In the AM to 706 brunch and the PM to the Top. Glad that V seemed to be feeling better. I went to Bikes and More Sunday. They have repainted the exterior and it looks nice. That afternoon I put V's new air horn on her bike. I blasted it once and it is loud as H-E double hockey sticks.

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