Saturday, July 16, 2011

If ignorance is truly bliss, last evening (Saturday) I encountered some of the happiest people to ever walk the Earth. Biking home from work after 10PM a convertible with the top down pulled up next to me at a red light. When I tried to help them out by mentioning that their headlights were off they just stared blankly at me like they were witnessing a dog talk. Then they drove off sans headlights.

Don't get me started about a couple of dopes that came by the pharmacy. This one woman could not for the life of her comprehend the question of when she was planning on coming back to pick up her medicine. Later she didn't understand why her pills looked different from her old ones even though they were of a different strength. Next she wanted to pay for it by giving me someone else's credit card number over the phone. Would you go to the grocery store, arrive at the check out line and then pull out a piece of paper with a credit card number on it and expect that to fly?

Some kid came through the drive through on a moped at 9:59 PM. One minute before close. Gave me the wrong insurance card. Had no concept of how insurance works. He called his mom who thought there was some big computer system that could magically locate insurance information. Anyway that set me back leaving by 20 minutes.

The turnaround ride to work this morning (Sunday) was ok. I was tired but I caught all green lights. Met my new student Mun, an Asian man with a magical Fu Manchu beard/ mustache. My beard is at 3 1/2 weeks and now I just look like a dude with a beard, not a dude trying to grow a beard.

The ride home was slow. I pulled a Bob Seger and was riding against the wind. Plus I was hauling a bunch of Gatorade in my panniers for V. She was hospitalized on Thursday due to intractable vomiting from a stomach virus. She was released Friday and is gradually working her way back to solid food. Pedaling was tough, like my tires didn't have enough air. I stopped by Sweet Dreams to scope out their "Crazy Flavor Day". It was a mob scene. I picked up a menu. and drove pack later and bought 6 pints.

I did the Racetrack loop on Saturday. I came in under an 1 hour 30 minutes. It seemed like for several months I hit the dead spot where I couldn't improve my times. The last 3 months I've improved a notch and can consistently hit some pretty good times (for me).

Thursday was nuts. Virginia called me at work and needed to go to the hospital. She could not stop throwing up. I closed the pharmacy. jumped on the Sempre and made like Christopher Cross, riding like the wind back home.

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