Monday, July 4, 2011

Biked the Millhopper loop this morning (Monday) before work. I've been fighting a mild cold for the past few days- sore throat, mucus, some fatigue. Somehow set a personal course record for watts (197) even though I was off my best time by about 45 seconds. It wasn't windy at all so I don't know why. I probably wasn't riding as aerodynamically as I should.

Saw a deer standing still in front of a subdivision for what seemed like forever. I used the harder gear (50:17) that I was in Friday. My longer range goal is to average 90 rpm in that gear for a whole ride.

There were some July 4 cycling club bikers heading out just as I was coming back in.

The beard is still coming along. I'm on day 10. They say to wait 4 weeks without shaving before trying to refine it. Not loving having to testify in court tomorrow.

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