Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday I had to switch shifts and work 8-4 instead of 2-10. Normally I bike the Millhopper route in the morning. Today I drove to work with my bike in the hatch then drove over to Millhopper right afterward to do my ride. I started out filling sluggish but after I passed my first check off point in pretty good time I knew I had a chance at a special ride. On all my routes I have certain points where I compare my time to my best ever. Like if I make it over the overpass to the crosswalk for the birdwatchers in under 27 minutes then things are cooking. It's kind of a game but it keeps me motivated.

I was keeping my cadence way up and trying not to burn out in too hard of a gear. I thought I had an outside shot at the coveted sub 40:00 ride but I wound up clocking in at 40:25. Still good enough for my best time ever on the course.

That night V and I biked down to the new restaurant where Cafe Gardens used to be. I had a tempeh burger with Thai Chili sauce topped with veggies and cheese. Afterward we headed over to Karma Cream and called it a night.

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