Monday, January 2, 2012

Rode my 15k Millhopper time trial loop this morning. I have ridden this loop every Monday for the past 4 weeks and each week my time is slower and watts lower than before. Not sure what to make of this. Part of the problem is the last 2 weeks I have had to start the ride around 7:30AM and I am not fully awake for maximal activity at that point.

On the way back over I-75 I saw Boss Hogg's group the Sunrisers (because they ride early) heading out. I waved.

Next week I need to move my Monday ride to the actual time trial site out by Bronson. Despite not riding great I'm not really worried. I can't describe why but I feel like I'm poised for a break out ride.

Did we talk about how much cold air decreases speed? I've been going to some websites that convert power (watts) into speed. Among the variables it asks are temperature. I initially thought hot air might make a bike go slower due to humidity, but at colder temps air acts more like a liquid and is denser. So for example pedaling with a power of 200 watts a cyclist could expect to go 0.5 mph faster in 90 degree weather versus 50 degrees.

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