Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Day to Forget

Wednesday. Rain was in the forecast so the Glider ride was of course canceled. I kept waiting for a window of opportunity to ride solo. Finally I left around 2PM. It was still drizzling. I was feeling good and I thought it was going to be a good ride. Didn't happen. The first 3 minute interval was ok. Then it started raining harder my glasses  and bike computer were wet. My shoes were squishing with each pedal stroke. I gamely tried to keep it together, but I wasn't feeling it and by the end I was just going through the motions.  I had originally planned to do the 30 mile ride afterward but the rain kept coming and I was freezing. It was a cold ride home.I was shivering worse than when it was 30 degrees.  I cleaned up the Sempre and put it up for a better day.

Earlier that morning I went to B&M and ordered I bike trainer for when it's raining, freezing, too dark to ride etc.

Riding a trainer can be super boring, but it beats missing a ride entirely or the miserable experience I had today.

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