Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After a hiatus from the Sempre I planned to rejoin the Glider ride today. First I had to do my interval workout. So I woke up early and stumbled into the fog. The solo workout was subpar. My glasses were all fogged up. The second interval was way low in the watts department, but I rebounded somewhat for the last two.

As for the Glider ride apparently the Ride Captain fractured his pelvis in last week's Glider ride (which had been moved to Thursday). It was one of those slow motion wrecks where he was virtually stopped and fell over right onto his side due to  another rider's screw up. Boss Hogg was there today and there was a special guest appearance from ... the Guest Lecture!. I hadn't seen the Guest Lecturer in some time. I'm not going to sugar coat this, he was fat. The guy had jowls. Man had he let himself go in like 6 months. I overheard him telling another rider that he needed to go on a diet. At the rate he's going he's going to look like one of these guys.

Most of the other usual suspects were there. Fifteen minutes into the ride some random dude gets a flat. We stop for a minute, but he tells us to go on without him. We depart but then someone says "Oh the parakeet and the dopplekeet went into the convenience store we were stopped at to use the bathroom." Really? Two things I have learned on group rides are cyclist love to overdress for weather that is not remotely cold (arm and leg warmers, are you kidding? it was over 60 this morning) and the average rider must have the bladder of an infant.

At  one point Boss Hogg and I were at the front. He was going a little  more hardcore than usual and we were averaging 240 watts for 10 minutes which for me is near a max effort. I was getting tired and he was half wheeling me which I didn't care about but according to ride etiquette is a big no no. Just then as if sent by a higher power some random dog ran out into the rode right in front of the Hogg. He had to slow way down and that gave me enough of a reprieve to finish out our pull.

In the home stretch speed up down 53rd ave I got dropped after doing a minute pull at a near max effort for me. Reattaching to the pack after pulling when I'm tired and everyone  is hauling ass is tough.

The indoor trainer arrived today. Went down to B&M and picked it up. I asked Paul  what bike brands B&M distribute (I know I could have just looked around the shop, but still). Paul got that gleam in his eye and he pulled it out of me that I was curious about time trial bikes. Next thing I knew I was looking at bike catalogs with Keith.

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