Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Still Raining, Still Dreaming

Wednesday- after a false start due to the ultimately unfounded fear of precipitation I embarked on my Glider-less ride. Remember that My Bloody Valentine EP "Glider"? That was a pretty good one.

Anyway I started out with my  3minute intervals x 4. My goal was to do them all at 260 watts and I did it. My legs were burning, I was huffing and puffing and my heart rate was near my max but that's the point right. Next week I'll go for 265 watts.

After the intervals I did my 30 mile Racetrack loop. My pace was significantly more casual than what I do on Fridays. Mainly because I was tired from the intervals. I threw in some 5 minute periods of harder riding (220 watts for those of you keeping score at home) just to mimic the group dynamic of when I take a turn pulling at the front.

The wind was absurd. 18mph according to the weather channel, but there were gusts where it was well over 20. My front wheel was getting knocked around quite a bit. There were times when I was just going 12 mph. I didn't much worry about it though. I just lowered the gear and kept the watts steady. At home I did some other exercises (chin ups, dips, step ups) and called it a day. I was pretty wiped and I still had to drive down to Ocala for this CPR recertification class

So dipping into this week's mailbag, I have a request to post a picture of my bikes. The one on the left is a 1955 Schwinn Tiger that belongs to my wife. It is rideable, but is awaiting some much needed TLC. The middle is the Sempre who despite an overinflated sense of importance ("born for performance" indeed) I have grown to love. Finally the Cortina is my workhorse commuter bike. Bianchi should have named it the Ashford and Simpson because it's solid as a rock.

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