Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sundae Bloody Sundae

I suffered defeat Sunday afternoon trying to switch my pedals back between the Sempre and Cortina. They use different size allen wrench sizes and all I had for my cortina pedals was my pocket plastic allen wrench which could not deal with the Conan like force that B&M had used to lovingly put them on.

I sheepishly went back to B&M with both bikes. Michael pulled out this humongous pair of pliers and didn't even bother dealing with the allen wrench part. I said "It's a lot easier when you've got that giant tool to get them off." Without missing a beat Brian said, "You mean Michael"?

So I ordered the pedal wrench later, reasoning that  it would save me time and foot discomfort if I could swap out the pedals without having to take the bikes down to B&M.

Rode down to the Top with V tonight. Had the spicy tofu burrito which was back on the menu after a hiatus. Later we went  to Karma Cream and split a brownie sundae with 'Tin Roof' ice cream. It was cool but the place was overrun with staff from the Fine Print , a local "independent, progressive, student publication". This guy sitting near us was just the worst stereotypical elitist college kid mouthing off all kinds of opinions in the most obnoxious manner possible. Something about the tone of his voice and his condescending attitude made me want to pummel him endlessly. People who have barely scratched the surface of living life would be well served suppressing the urge to pontificate.

At least the sundae was awesome.

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