Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Random notes

Today marked the triumphant return of Small Kid Huge Backpack (SKHB). For my newer readers let me explain. SKHB was this little kid with a preposterously oversized backpack overloaded with massive textbooks. The cumulative weight of which caused him to hunch over like a decrepit old man. He wore a perpetual scowl. I sleuthed that he attends Cornerstone Academy which is a Christian school by my house. He has been MIA for a while but this morning there he was, a little older and taller. Still with a giant backpack, slouching from the oppressive poundage. He looked as displeased as ever.

Hardcore fans of the Lone Biker blog will appreciate this deep cut. I have recently seen the shoegaze vampire boy that I mentioned last year waiting at his bus stop on 34th just north of University Ave. We have a thing were we subtly nod to each other. He seems to have put on a little weight and appears less pale and wane so I my need to come up with a new nickname.

Monday night biking home I witnessed a college age gentleman walk out of his house on 34th and urinate in his front yard. What is it with public urination lately? Was the backyard the designated spot for going number two?

When I came into work this morning Manic Monday was playing on the muzak. I used to imagine when they sing "He tells me in his bedroom voice/ C'mon honey, let's go make some noise" that it was Kim Gordon singing about Thurston. Like that was their code for getting it on except half the time they'd just go into the bedroom and wind up making actual noise with screaming feedback and kinky alternate tunings. Then I was sad thinking about how Kim and Thurston broke up and if they could break up what possible hope do the rest of us have?

Checking the cycling club list serve I see that the Glider ride captain has canceled tomorrow's ride because it might rain. He canceled last week's ride because it was too cold. One of the Gliders actually said when it's below freezing with the wind from cycling "it feels like 2 degrees." I thought to myself  "How would you like 2-grease deez nutz 'cause I'm going biking." Needless to say I'll figure out a way to ride tomorrow.

Hopefully I'll be riding with the CoF this Saturday. Last weekend one of the Sunrisers said he hadn't seen me before and wondered what I usually biked on Saturday. I told him I normally ride with one of the Netherlands' "leading lights" whose Nom De Bike is the Cyclist on Fire. He either was impressed or thought I was totally insane. Either way he left me alone for the rest of the ride.

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