Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pretty good day of cycling. I hit my power (watts) goals on my interval workout and had a drama free ride with the Gliders afterwards. Those Gliders were amazed at my lack of leg warmers in 38 degree weather. Earlier I had been wearing a jacket, leg warmers and my hardcore gloves while doing the intervals. By the time the group ride happened I was all warmed up and my only concession to the cold was my Nitto wool jersey. Those guys overdress anyway. They show up with arm warmers for 60 degree weather.

The group ride itself was pretty laid back. The Ride Captain warmed in advance not to go to fast on the hills or he would be dropped. Overall I felt better than I had in a couple of weeks. I think a few days off the bike last week and eating a lot of Christmas food definitely helped. Last night (Tuesday) V and I rode downtown to the Top and Karma Cream. It was cold but all right. Saw Wade down there. He invited us to some New Years Eve party his band is playing at some mansion on a private island. I need to get one of those.

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