Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Had to work 9-5 on Labor Day so I went out early to do the Millhopper Loop. I hadn't ridden in 5 days and the pedals were turning easy. At the halfway point I thought I was a lock to set a new best time but it didn't happen. My fastest time ever (a month ago) was aided by a tailwind that kicked up on the way back so it will be tough to beat that one.

Still it felt good to be back in the saddle. After work I went by Bikes and More to pick up the freshly tuned Cortinas. The chains had been replaced among other things. The new parts were glistening. Keith was signing up some dude to race for their 352 team. I spoke to other Christian about NYC and folding bikes. Did I mention that some Brooklyn breakfast place played REM's Dead Letter Office in its entirety one morning? Hadn't heard that in a while. It was combined with the sound of some guy trying to sledgehammer a U-lock of off some old parts stripped bike locked out front. It didn't come off.

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