Monday, September 12, 2011

Biking downtown to brunch with V Saturday morning I realized that I had biked over 100 miles in the past 27 hours. The brunch was surprisingly great. Crab Cake Benedict and stuffed French toast from Emiliano's. Big time ride with the CoF Saturday. We spoke at length about the grandeur of REM's "Harbor Coat". I may go on an early REM freak out. I haven't decided yet.

The CoF has a few bug out zones where he likes to drop the hammer. They include after descending out of the Hammock in either direction. He takes the momentum from the downhill portion and just goes berserk. One day I should get someone to dress up like a cop with radar gun and have them wait around the corner.

Friday's Racetrack loop was pretty good. Lit up some serious watts, but missed setting a new PR because of some BS traffic stops I had to make in the name of safety. Today's Millhopper loop was similar. I had an all time best watts of 211 but my time was still 30 seconds off my best. Breaking that record is going to be a bear unless I hire a dude to drive behind me with a giant fan.

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