Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rode the Hawthorne trail solo Saturday. I had skipped my normal Friday Racetrack loop so my legs were a little fresher. I dropped down to the next hardest gear from my normal default gear. It was game day and there was lots of traffic to weave through on the way to the trail head. I had my new “Italian Bike Mirror” installed. It didn’t move around like my old mirror but it did make stuff appear further away than it really was.

Anyway tons of people were on the H-trail. The white haired guy and his massive crew of foreign joggers were out in full force. Even after passing them lots of other walkers, runners and bikers were in the mix. I passed the slow moving guy that used to acknowledge people with a solitary note on his bike bell. Of late he has foregone this. I slowed down and said hi hoping he would sound the bell but I got nothing. Maybe something has made him bitter.

I’m still dreaming about the epic bike ride with the CoF for my birthday Thursday. We accomplished the coveted goal of eating desserts at Karma Cream, Sarkara Sweets and Sweet Dreams. We paced ourselves early on, but Sweet Dreams was the last stop and I unloaded with the banana split with 3 scoops of ice cream.

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