Friday, November 18, 2011


Racetrack loop today. I had in mind to go for a new watts record for 60 minutes and if I burned out in the last 30 minutes so be it. It was pretty windy. At times I was going 14-15mph. That's the beauty of the power meter though. It gives me goals to shoot for during adverse conditions. Mentally I had to concentrate on each pedal stroke.

I was wearing the new orange Molteni wool jersey. I wound up improving my previous marks for 60 and 90 minutes. I did 199 watts for  90 minutes which was cool because there was a time when it was a struggle to do 200w for 5 minutes. I'm closing in on my goal of setting personal bests in November for all 15 time increments my software tracks. The 5 second one may be tricky.

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