I decided that once I was out of the Hammock I would go for the other power records. So I started cranking it and things were going well. The last 3 minutes were tough. I was lightheaded and my heart was pounding. I made it though.
Click image to enlarge.
I made 2 other attempts at the 5 second best but the closest I came was 783w.
I saw several deer. Also there were some of the largest cycling contingents I've ever witnessed on the trail. One was this massive group of kids chaperoned by a few adults. Later a really large group of faster adult riders going the opposite direction rode by when I was about 2 miles from the exit. I think big groups of people going relatively fast on this trail presents a safety hazard and freaks out the more casual exercisers.
I stopped at the 8th ave Bike and Coffee House. I blazed in on the Sempre in full regalia with the Molteni wool jersey and scored a pumpkin muffin.
While there I saw this bike
There was also a whole rack of sweet ass retro jerseys I'll have to check out later.
Afterward I went by Bikes and More and spoke to Paul about many things such as batteries, gloves, and God versus Christmas. I think if Paul was a cult leader I would join his cult. Maybe I already have. Note to self: start side project called God versus Christmas.
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