Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rode the Cortina to work in the rain Sunday morning. I had to break out the rain cape. It was steady but not terrible. I can't find any evidence to back this up but I swear it get windier during cooler times of the year. It was blowing hard again on the ride home.

Set a couple of watts records on the Hawthorne trail ride with the Cyclist on Fire. I bested my 5 second mark on the little hill on the way out of the trail. Then I nailed the 30 second record on the hill on Glenn Springs Road by my house. My new goal each month is to set new personal watts records in each time category. It ranges from 5 seconds to 2 hours. Should be interesting. I have some in there from July so those definitely need to fall.

Did I mention when I carried my bike into the store the muzak was playing "Saved By Zero"? As I was stripping off my rain gear in the stockroom. Phil Collins' "I Wish It Would Rain Down" started up. If I ran a corporation the muzak would be programmed by artificial intelligence that analyzed the moods of the employees based on speech patterns, factored in meteorological conditions etc to play the most apropos selection at any given moment. Maybe that's why it plays Lenny Kravitz's "Fly Away" towards the end of my shift and "I Wanna Be Sedated" when my oxycodone roaches show up.

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