Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CVS' computers had some kind of melt down yesterday. They sent everyone over to Walgreens. As a result I didn't bike into my drive way until literally 2 minutes to midnight. Caught 5 hours of sleep then rode back in this morning. I passed some other biking dude by Westside park. He must of got ants in his pants because even though I was clipping along pretty well on the Cortina he passed me back a half mile later.

Today kind of sucked. My evening technician didn't show up. It was nice not riding home in sweltering heat. The same bag of garbage has been sitting on the corner of 34th and 16th for days. Wonder how it got there.
I've been working some long ass hours of late. Tomorrow starts a 6 day mini vacation. The oxycodone roaches are already freaking out.

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