Friday, January 14, 2011

Thursday morning ride wasn't too cold. My hands started to freeze up halfway through.

When I'm at stoplights I time it so I take off right before the turn arrow comes on to avoid waiting an extra 15 seconds. Thursday I was barreling through yellow lights as they were turning red as well. Just wanted to get there. The ride home that afternoon was more relaxed. Stopped off at Radio Shack to deal with a gift card fiasco. Rocked out to Local Natives on the ride home.

Later I dropped off the Sempre and V's Cortina to get new bike computers. V wanted one with a backlight since most of her riding is at night. Her main thing is knowing her speed and what time it is. My new power meter computer came in for the Sempre. This is the one that I thought I was getting originally.

1 comment:

  1. Remember that band, Gift Card Fiasco? They were my favorites in high school.
