Sunday, November 21, 2010

This morning I accomplished the rare feat of getting from my door to work without stopping for a single light. This has happened only a couple of times and always on a Sunday morning. Once I made it passed University I knew I had a shot at something special. The clincher would be the Archer Rd intersection. I looked up ahead and saw the light was green. I thought there was no way because I was still to far away. It stayed green though so I started pedaling hard. I was about 100 feet away and the light started changing. Instead of giving up I turned right onto Archer rather than going straight down 34th St. There wasn't any traffic behind me because the light was still on the turn arrow portion. I went nuts pedaling hardcore and swerved into the left hand turn lane. No cars were coming the other way so I kept on truckin right into the Walgreens entrance.

Biked home this afternoon to ride the new Sempre before dark. I took it out of the shed marveling at how it was even lighter than the Imola. Pedaling out of the driveway I thought "Man there is a lot of road vibration". I didn't realize what a difference the steel frame on the Imola had made. That's when I realized the back tire was flat. How did that happen? The tube was punctured. Not sure when that occured. I rode it about 30 seconds. Anyway I changed the tire and I'll try again tomorrow. A small consolation I'm a lot better at changing tires. I practiced a little while V was in NYC.

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