Monday, November 29, 2010

Rolled the dice and left my rain gear at home for the commute to work. Needed space in the panniers for the vat of Pad Thai tofu I had made for my meals at work this week. Listened to Skeletonwitch on the way in. Their utter pointlessness was somewhat mitigated when they drowned out whatever some idiot was screaming at me from the sidewalk. Slipped the Cortina in the highest gear and made it down the hill on S Archer at 27.5 mph.

Work was the same grind, livened up somewhat by a hilariously intense argument I got into with my co-worker (Lee) about the relative greatness of Michael Jackson. I maintained that he had a few songs that were cool when I was growing up but everything after Thriller was horrific. This guy (21 yr old) found my opinion unfathomable. He kept saying, "But he did the Thriller". Apparently in high school Lee had reenacted Thriller (the song) for a talent show. His friends were the zombies. We asked another guy Lee's age who was picking up his Adderall to weigh in. This guy took Lee's side. Later I mentioned that by 1986 the only Jackson anyone cared about was Janet. Lee had never heard of "Control" and he was incredulous when I mentioned that it sold 14 million copies.

Ride home was cool. One of the panniers kept getting sucked into the spokes though because it was too empty without the Pad Thai. Started raining about 5 minutes away from home but it cleared up soon afterward. I couldn't help but worry about my strawberry plants as I rolled up. They are fighting some fungus and getting wet at night only makes it worse. Sometimes I wonder how people were ever able to survive because gardening is a bitch.


  1. "He did the Thriller" is not proof against the position that everything after Thriller is shit. I wholeheartedly agree with your position—the songs that are good are phenomenally good, but Janet Jackson took over after Thriller. How could Lee not know about Ms. Jackson?

    Two suggestions for your blog: 1) title your posts so that your archive list is not so insane (it's defaulting to making the title the first sentence. Maybe you like that.) 2) go into your buzz settings and have your blog create a buzz post automatically.

  2. Lee is actually pretty cool. It did get weird when he started singing MJ's "You are not alone".

    Does anyone (just you or 'Bikes' I guess) actually use the archive list? I think the the first sentence fragments are actually fairly descriptive. Left to my own devices I would probably come up with non-sequitur titles like "The Name of This Post Is Talking Heads".

    Does your RSS feed thing tell you when I've updated the blog. I'm probably retarded but I like keeping buzz and blog separate. I think we touched on this before during a ride. I'm the anti-Grant when it comes to internet cross pollination.
