Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Left work on the Sempre and road over to Bikes and More to get the front rim liner replaced with adhesive tape. It's amazing to me that the bike store has 2 to 3 times as many employees at any given time than I have to run my pharmacy. While Dave was working on the tire I reattached my bike computer to the frame. Somehow they let a retard like me stand in the mechanic's workspace without telling me I was violating 9 safety codes. So now the bike rims are fortified, the computer is functioning and my emergency tire pack is restocked. I have tomorrow off. I plan on going on a longer ride and we'll see what's up with this new bike.

Of interest, there are only 2 main gears. The Imola had 3 which was a pain because the smallest gear was useless and occasionally the bike would slip into it and I'd be like a hamster on an exercise wheel, spinning like crazy and going nowhere. Also there is no indication of what gear I am in unless I actually look at the chain ring. The only brakes are in front of the hoods. On the Imola there were also a set in front of the handlebars by the stem which was a more relaxing position if I was just taking it easy.

Saw the Imola outside B&M chained up with the other sale bikes. No price tag though. Not sure why not.

Later Virginia and I biked on the Cortinas down to the Top. I had the tofu tacos, Plantain chips with dip and a Rum Runner. I needed to take the edge off the news that corporate was cutting my staff''s hours again. We have this pretty sweet route to get downtown. It avoids most major roads. It includes lots of cats, the occasional bat and I house that blasts gospel music 24 hours a day.

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