Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Friday bike wipeout meant I had to cancel my Saturday ride with the Cyclist on Fire. That sorry reality cut like a knife. I gingerly road to the Top Saturday night with V. Each bump reverberated through my wounds but I made out ok. Went to Boca later. There were a couple of bikes parked out front with white wall tires and pimp ass neon rims.

I need to get a purple party bike with like leopard skin fur accents, curb feelers, maybe a throw back crown air freshener mounted to the handle bars.

Sunday V and I rode with mom and Brian on the Hawthorne trail for a belated Mother's Day outing. You know that sharp right turn after a couple of downhills on the way back? I went into that turn and there was a cyclist coming the other way. I braked and started skidding again. Fortunately I kept it together. That would suck to get my road burn road burned.

I was at Bikes and More Saturday and Sunday to get new tires and have them give my bike the once over. I bought a new pair of pedals. When Paul first broached the subject of pedals I was pumped because I thought I was about to get his classic smooth soft sell. He switched it up though and just laid out his main recommendation. He mentioned a few times that the pedals were "metal on metal". That of course reminded me of the Anvil documentary. Paul also dropped some cosmic knowledge likening the career trajectory of the Black Eyed Peas to the antithesis of how he wants B&M to grow and evolve.

Saw someone riding one of those motorized bicycles on the way home from feeding a cat. It was spewing exhaust. That bummed me out. People that ride those things deserve to be waterboarded. They weren't even pedaling.

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