Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Had about as a bad a day biking as you can have without breaking your arm or getting run over. My computer was causing problems as usual. In the course of fiddling with it I somehow broke a spoke. So now the wheel was unstable and the ride was salvageable. I turned around and wobbled home in disgust.

Bikes and More fixed the wheel. Against my intuition I decided to retry riding my route before it was dark. About halfway through the ride I heard the familiar pssssstttt! I had a flat. I changed it. Something about the way the tube was sitting on the rim wasn't right but I couldn't get it on properly. Again against my better judgment I aired it up with the C02 cartridge. Of course the tube pinched and exploded instantly. So now I was far from home with a couple of trashed bike tubes. I called my man Harry who came through big time and picked me up.

Today was a write off. I could have been riding some type of Big Wheel kiddie plastic tricycle and it would have spontaneously combusted. It was just one of those days.

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