Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday did my one minute intervals on the Sempre while commuting to and from work. I do 4 intervals of hard riding in the morning and 4 on the way home in the afternoon. It is kind of tricky because of traffic, pedestrians and random weirdness. I have these discrete areas that allow me to bug out but it's still tricky.

Saw the Cyclist on Fire this morning which along with eating an insanely delicious hummus/bean pita was the highlight of my work day. Here is a retail tip, if you (the customer) act like a jackhole no one is going to go out of their way to help you with your problem.

Also I saw a girl in the pharmacy screaming at her mother "YOU ARE A LIAR!!" over and over. Apparently this stemmed from a disagreement over whether an 8 year old should be able to use a credit card on the internet.

Finally, we mercifully ran out of oxycodone today. Unfortunately we get more tomorrow.

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