Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rode the Hawthorne trail solo Saturday. There were a lot of foreign joggers. Also witnessed the debut of the jingling lady. She jogs with a walkman and some kind of pack strapped to her that makes tons of noise. It must have a massive set of keys and wads of change in there. In sounded like 10,000 knights in plate mail marching. Of course she was oblivious due to the headphones.

Didn't stop at the halfway point. I just eyed the empty bench, looped around and headed back. Insanely it took me exactly the same time to get to the halfway point as it did to get back (57:56). Also I used exactly the same amount of effort (129 watts). Weird and I'll have to rethink my theory about it being easier riding on the way back.

Saw the crazy backpack lady riding her bike on Glen Springs road. She covered a lot of ground when she was walking everywhere. Now she must be unstoppable. She needs a Lost-like back story.

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