Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Glider ride this morning (Wednesday). We did the loop with a couple of steep ass (for Gainesville anyway) hills. Despite an insane dinner last night- spicy tofu burrito, plantain chips with dip from the Top polished off with an entire pint of Peach Cobbler ice cream from Karma Cream, I felt a little sluggish this morning. Maybe those Tuesday high cadence drills are catching up with me.

Anyway it was a big group today. There was confusion over whether we were riding single or double paceline initially. In the homestretch I punked out big time on the hill over I-75 on Millhopper road. I was leading a group of 3 other remaining riders over this hill. When I reached the crest I signaled that I was dropping back. Those dudes whizzed by but I was too gassed to reattach to the back. It was like when Nic Cage pulled the grenade pin off the Lone Biker of the Apocalypse and he blew up. So I was in no man's land, pedaling the last 14 minutes solo.

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