Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rode my bike over to this customer's house Tuesday to do a medication review. It's something that Walgreens does through Medicare. Anyway this guy is a chain smoker and the nicotine stench in his apartment was killing me. He was burning incense to cover up the smell which kind of made it worse. It was 100 degrees on the way over and sitting in that apartment I was getting a headache and nauseous feeling.

He showed me his cat who seemed cool and his ferret who he said was dying. The ferret smelled like it was dying. He had tons of swords, knives and shields on the walls. It was a little insane. He would say something like "And this here is my naked lady sword." Sure enough there was a naked woman carved into the handle. He insisted I pick up every last one of them.

He also can't read so while I was there he had me read some legal documents from his attorney. He showed me his bike. It was a mountain bike made by Giant. He wasn't riding it of late due to leg numbness and poor vision from diabetes. He said it was stolen once by a homeless guy but he recovered it when another homeless guy recognized it when the thief rolled up on it at St Francis house. The second homeless dude called the cops on the homeless thief and collected a cool $50 reward from my medication review guy.

So I was there for over an hour and a half. I had to get out of there before I puked. The guy was obviously lonely. He said I could drop by anytime and we could rock his play station together. He's a pretty all right guy. I hope his ferret makes it.

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