Friday, February 3, 2012


Friday, did the 30 mile Racetrack loop. Pretty solid ride. Started off poorly when I got hung up at the light by Mile Run on 53rd ave. 90% of the time this light is green so when I have to stop for it it sucks. On the other hand I didn't have to stop on 441 going out or coming back in so that was cool. My watts on my 5 minute intervals were right on and I didn't crash or get a flat which is always a good thing.

The head wind I was fighting earlier turned into a tailwind on the way back into town and I was flying the flannel at >24mph. I buzzed to the finish right at 1:29. Not my best by any means but I good effort.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today is Wednesday so I do the 3 minute intervals followed by the Glider ride. I decided to do the intervals on the trainer since it is safer than flying through rush hour traffic along the stretch of north 43rd ave I normally use. As a bonus I inflated the special trainer tire up to 120 psi. Remember my last post where I said my trainer watts were crazy low compared to my road watts? Of course you do. Well I had misread the directions and had only put 60 psi in the trainer tire. Apparently that contributed to my difficulties because I noticed an improvement immediately today. The stuff I said the other day about deceleration and loss of momentum on the upward stroke are still true, just much less significant. My 3 minute average watts were about 10% lower which is what most people report.

Now I had to get the trainer tire off, put my road tire on and make it to the group ride starting point. I had just bought a new road tire at B&M  and it was still in the package. New tires are stiff and flat and I could not get the son of a biscuit to seat on the rim to save my life. After struggling and running out of time I gave up and put an old extra tire I had on and took off.

Publix is the interim ride captain while the Ride Captain heals his fractured pelvis. The Guest Lecturer was there. Other than that it was really a motley crew. During my pull I was doing like 25mph but it was downhill with a tailwind and my power meter said my watts were around 220 which is about what I shoot for  when I am leading a group ride. Nevertheless Publix pulled up and told me to cool it. Later I tried to explain to the Semi about the power meter and how I'm actually not a maniacal jerk off, but base my efforts on maintaining a standard level of watts. I could tell he wasn't feeling it even though he teaches physics at UF. He said something about how I should have slowed down more through the turn from 43rd on to 441. The thing is I soft pedaled for like 20 seconds after that turn and looked back to make sure everyone was on.

 The last 4 miles heading back on 53rd ave were pretty sedate. The usual pace pushers were not there. The Guest Lecturer had dropped off a few minutes into the ride due to a stomach virus.

Toward the end I peeled off and went down the street that connects 53rd and 39th. It is a pretty cool road that goes between a bunch of neighborhoods. It's sandwiched parallel between 13th and 34th for those of care. Anyway I did one last  3 minute solo freak out on that road and called it a day.

All and all a decent day of riding. I was happy to get the watts sorted out on the trainer. Now I just need to put that new tire on.