Friday, February 18, 2011

Biking in NYC- most people seem to ride old beat up bikes. There are way fewer cyclists than I expected given how impossible driving is. There aren't many places to lock up bikes. Many streets don't have bike lanes and traffic is kind of a free for all.

Still, commuting on bike seems doable. I've just been in Manhattan. We'll probably go to Brooklyn this weekend. Likely more bike friendly there.

Haven't seen a single fixie. Maybe a few left in Williamsburg.

Saw a couple of dudes with bikes on the subway. They looked extremely tired for some reason.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Went on a sick ass ride down the hawthorne trail with noted astrologer Harrem Monkhorst. Finally have proof that the second half of the ride is easier than the first. According to the power meter I used fewer watts on the return trip despite completing it faster.

Got rained on some. Hope that ugly noise my bike was making isn't a harbinger of doom. Gave the Sempre some TLC this afternoon.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Rode to Boca Fiesta with V last night. Went to the cupcake place after. They were doing a cupcake photo shoot for advertising. Due to my own stupidity our bikes T boned later. I forgot Main was closed and started heading in that direction. V was going the correct way and we collided.

Was rained on yesterday morning on the way to Walgreens. I was wearing my work clothes at the time. My pants dried fairly quickly.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bike was squeaking after riding in the rain. Lubed it and rode to the Top with V last night for Taco Tuesday. Went to the Atlantic after. At dinner a sip of my scotch went down the wrong way. It burned. The Atlantic was this alt country line up. It was all right considering a don't like that type of music. Got tired.

Feel listless and bored.

At least one of the strawberry plants is starting to bloom.